Your first experience at owning a Jaguar - Torque News

Jaguar is known for building luxury automobiles that are deeply rooted in racing history with a long line of prestigious sports cars, but chances are your first experience in a Jaguar was not perfect. Now if you are reading my articles then most likely you are an avid fan of the Jaguar automobile and I bet you have owned more than just one in your lifetime so far. However, your first Jaguar had to be a memorable one that is forever etched in your memory and as you are reading this you can’t help but think of the good and bad times you spent driving it. Most likely you purchased your first Jaguar later in... For some of you the experience of that first Jaguar might not have been the “pie in the sky” pleasure trip I have described, but more of a nightmare plagued with mechanical and electrical issues. It may have kept you sidelined in the shop more than you were on the open road, so for you the first Jaguar was not the stuff legends are made of. As it does with many unsuspecting fans, if the Jaguar fever grabbed you, then the first one was not... The passion of most Jaguar owners runs deep with tradition and. Source: