2014 Infiniti Q50 3.7 AWD Premium - Summer Update - Automobile

My first experience of the Infiniti way of doing things came in a QX56 , the yacht of choice for the discerning NFL linebacker. This feeling of a warm knife slowly slicing through butter I have come to understand as Infiniti. The 2014 Infiniti Q50 has this feeling of luxury in motion, as does my buddy's 20-year-old Infiniti J30, a hand-me-down from his commuting father. (It seems that an Infiniti will last, given the proper care. We'll put this down as a fielding error on Infiniti’s part. Maybe you’ve noticed much argumentum ad populum about the shortcomings of the 2014 Infiniti Q50’s steering action. To me it feels like the power-steering hamsters aren't running fast enough in their wheel, and the car doesn’t quite make the turn that I had visualized. Comfortable drivers are comfortable without this avoidance technology, although I’ll admit that it still may save me and others yet. During my time with the 2014 Infiniti Q50, I happily let the technology help me park. Source: www.automobilemag.com