V2V: A Safer Commute with Cars Sharing Status Updates - Hackaday

Until dependable self-driving cars make their way into garages and driveways across the country, there is still a great amount of work that can be done to improve the safety of automobiles, and the best hope on the horizon is Vehicle to Vehicle... So I decided to take a look at what hardware we can expect in early V2V, and the features you can expect to see when your car begins to build a social network with the others around it. It All Started a Long Time Ago The origins of V2V... ISTEA is best known for providing the impetus for high-speed rail lines that are still unbuilt 20 years later and the requirement for airbags to be installed in all cars and trucks sold after 1998. ISTEA also included a provision for research into... In 1997, the Automated Highway Demonstration commenced, with vehicles equipped with sensors, cameras, throttle, brake, and steering actuators, laser and millimeter wave rangefinders driving along a stretch of highway embedded with magnetic nails. If this program were enacted across the entire United States, it would have been fantastically expensive, both in retrofitting all highways with the required sensors, and adding thousands of dollars to the price of a new car. Source: hackaday.com