MBTA worker uses bus to slow car with unconscious driver - Boston Globe

Quick thinking and bold action were all in a day’s work for one MBTA bus driver who steered his bus into a car to slow it down and call for help when he saw that the driver was unconscious, MBTA Transit Police said. Paul Healy, 58, an MBTA employee for 14 years, was driving the Route 230 bus down a multi-lane stretch of Quincy Avenue in Quincy when he noticed something strange about the 2009 Jeep Compass rolling next to his bus: The vehicle was moving... Healy eased his bus against the vehicle and wedged it against the curb, slowing the Jeep to almost a complete stop. He stopped the bus and ran out to help the 56-year-old Braintree woman, while the car was still inching forward. Healy is being credited with possibly saving the woman’s life and protecting the lives of pedestrians, bikers, and drivers who could have been hit by her car if it had kept moving. “She told the responding officer that she believes the actions of the bus driver probably saved her life, and she was very thankful,” Sullivan said. Sullivan said both the MBTA and its Transit Police are very proud of Healy’s actions, which demonstrate the level of dedication the bus driver has for his job. Source: www.bostonglobe.com