Hybrid technology at it best in a SUV, 2015 Lexus RX 450h - Daily Herald

We have had the opportunity to drive the hybrid version the RX a couple of times in the previous 3 years, and have come to enjoy any time we get with one of the best selling luxury small SUV’s on the market and the fantastic gas mileage that... The RX 450h comes in two versions, an all wheel drive and a front wheel drive, benefits of the front wheel drive only are that one should expect to gain an extra 1 to 2 miles per gallon. Lexus was the first in the SUV hybrid category to get out of the box and come up with a different way to run the AWD power to the rear wheels. The RX does not have a drive line connected from the gas motor to the rear, instead it has a third electric motor mounted in the rear of the vehicle that transfers power to the rear wheels as needed. In other words it simply applies more torque from the electric motor powering the rear wheels as driving conditions dictate the need. There are two mounted in the standard engine compartment, one to start the gas engine as needed when the vehicle is stopped or after running in electric mode only. Source: www.heraldextra.com