Car Owners Should Be Concerned About Vehicle Hackers - Insider Car News

Right now a number of news outlets are letting everyone know that two hackers were able to successfully take control of different systems on a 2014 Jeep Cherokee. It’s a scary thought for anyone who’s really thinking about the possible implications, because your vehicle could suddenly stop functioning as it should while you’re traveling 75 mph down the freeway, and you might not be able to do anything about... Owners of affected vehicles can either have a dealership install a software patch or can do it themselves. Fiat Chrysler put out a press release that downplays hacks, stating that various industries are hacked every day in this crazy modern world of ours. Of course, there’s a big difference between having your debit card info stolen from Target’s system and having your Chrysler 300 crash into a concrete barrier at 50 mph. government is coming to the rescue, reports Car and Driver, via a bill that would create cybersecurity standards for cars. The Wired report did indicate that the hackers had the IP address for the Cherokee, making the whole wireless takeover of different systems possible. Source: