Lotus Elise release date: Car returning to U.S. markets by 2020 - ChristianToday

It first went on sale in 2004 and continued to become available until 2011, when the U. K. -based auto company had to withdraw the model from the market due to failure to comply with U. S. safety regulations. Lotus continued to manufacture certain models appropriate for racetracks, according to Automotive News. Recently it made some changes to the Evora so it could start selling again. The new, unnamed model has a size comparable to that of Porsche Macan, the report stated. It is expected that the new car will be a real best seller by the company and will help establish a market in China. Exact details of the crossover are not available yet because it's still in development stages, but the maker promises that the new model will be faster and lighter compared to its main rivals. Meanwhile, Lotus expects that the next Elise model will hit U. S. markets five years from now and will likely carry a 2021 brand model. Source: www.christiantoday.com