Switzerland's healing water: Is it modern science or nature that has the real ... - The Independent

Stephen Bayley Stephen Bayley is an author, critic, columnist, consultant, broadcaster, debater and curator. Stephen writes a regular column for The Independent on Sunday’s Travel section, and contributes features that have previously covered anything from travelling through Japan via the iconic Shinkansen, to the artisans of Florence and driving a... This he did with Monsieur Hoernlimann, an officer, I imagine copiously moustachioed, from the Swiss Bureau Topographique Federal. Only a novel by Julian Barnes could fully capture the comic opportunities suggested here, with rival French and Swiss claims to both lacustrine territory and to scientific method acted out as Messrs Delebecque and Hoernlimann tussled over the... But the contrast between Swiss and French personalities and the potential for conflict is clear. The same contrast exists in Clinique La Prairie, the Lake Geneva spa where French concepts of hotel luxury rub up against Swiss concepts of a nuclear medicine laboratory. With its various treatments, its pools, lavage, steam rooms, showers, saunas, Kneipp paths and endless bottles of Evian, the Clinique is fortunate to have the ample reserves of Lake Geneva so close at hand. Source: www.independent.co.uk