My Lackluster Career as a Private Eye - (blog)

Here, in an essay provided exclusively to Esquire, Bayme recounts his not-so-great stint as a private detective. — Jill Krasny When I was 24, a friend said to me: "You're the funniest person I know, just not right away. I wanted to offer some snappy reply like: "You're the most patient person I know, just not right away," but he had a point. words didn't come easy to me. Even the smallest of small talk with the oldest of friends was a struggle. And so, like anyone trying to find their voice in 2004, I started a blog. It was called the Potato Salad Cafe and it's still there, on the Internet, laying dormant like a dog asleep in a closet for a decade. For a couple of years, I hunched over my computer each night and posted funny stories about living with my parents, dates that didn't go as planned and the various turtles and fish my little brother struggled to keep alive. "I got a job for you," my friend Rob said. "Private detective. He gave me the number of his friend's aunt, whose daughter was going through an ugly divorce. "Am I the right guy for this. "Rob said you had a car. Source: