1975 International Harvester 150 - Budget Buster - Four Wheeler Network

Way more work than I want to get into. ” Those were the last few words I said before the seller said, “You’ve brought a trailer. ” I should have said he’d have to pay me to get the truck out of there, but I didn’t. Foolishly I said: “I guess I’d give $500 for it. ” Next thing I know I own a ’75 International Harvester 150 4x4 with a half-blown-apart 304 and an interior full of cactus and pack rat poop for $550. Yeah, he talked me out of $50 more. If we travel back in time we will come to the real reason I now own this pile of American agricultural history. Fred Williams, former friend and current colleague, asked me if I wanted to be a part of 2014’s Cheap Truck Challenge. Williams must have known that I am way too willing to say yes to a foolish thing like this, because I said, “Yeah, sure. Yes, I would, but I would decidedly not start with a rare, nonrunning, pile of old farm equipment. This is a tale of how I spent way too much time and money on my Cheap Truck doing exactly what I knew I should not do. If you want to win Cheap Truck Challenge, or at least have the most fun possible, go look for the cheapest, running, most... Yep, if it runs it will probably win—or at least make a good showing. Should I start with a nonrunning, last-year-built, International Harvester heavy half-ton that served unintentionally and unofficially as Biodome 4 for countless generations of packrats. Instead follow your first instinct and walk away from an eclectic pile of parts. Source: www.fourwheeler.com