Driver's sudden U-turn causes crash; driver leaves scene - St George News

Nataly Burdick moved to Hurricane when she was 5 and has lived in Southern Utah ever since. She graduated from Southern Utah University with a bachelor’s degree in communication with a journalism emphasis in 2015. She got her start in journalism when she started copy editing for SUU’s University Journal and her editors threw her into... Nataly’s favorite thing about journalism is learning about all kinds of new subjects and meeting new people. She enjoys learning new skills in her free time, especially learning how to play new instruments, though she mostly only knows how to play any of them at a beginning level. She loves to hear herself talk and has taken it upon herself to learn as many languages as she can so she can hear herself talk more exotically. Please login to comment. Login with an STGNews Account Login With Your Facebook Account Why do I have to login. To assist us in this effort we're now requiring our users to login before posting comments. You can login via your Facebook account or by creating an account on StGeorgeUtah. Source: