Motor Mouth: 4x4 Jeep truck sees mud no more - ABC2 News

You can be forgiven if you don’t remember Jeep building a pickup. It’s baffling considering both Jeep vehicles and pickup trucks have enjoyed growing popularity in recent years. Looking for deals on automotive parts and accessories. Mathis grew up driving the truck, often taking it mudding and off-roading. By the time he turned 18, his father had given him the Jeep and it followed him to Florida. “I call it my truck of many colors,” Mathis said. Indeed, the truck has been repainted several times through the years. At one point, rust had eaten its way through the truck so much that the cab had rusted off. “I more or less drove it ‘till the wheels fell off it, but the wheels didn’t fall off, the cab did,” Mathis said. For several years, the Jeep sat while Mathis restored another project — a 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme. Mathis, however, realized he couldn’t let the truck rot. , Townville School Yard, S. C. 24 at Townville School Road. There will be local and regional new and antique tractors, crafts vendors, old farm equipment, classic cars/trucks and fun and games for the whole family. Source: