The Definitive 10-Step Guide to Building a Do-Anything Core - Outside Magazine

Working on core strength isn’t a matter of vanity—an effort to turn a dad-bod midsection into a six-pack. ) It’s more of a commitment to kick ass in everything you do. “Core exercises build a foundation of strength for more sport-specific movements,” says Scott Johnston, a climber, former World Cup nordic skier, and co-author of Training for the New... Do it as a circuit with 30 seconds between exercises. Shoot for four to eight repetitions of any exercise or hold any position for just a few seconds, unless otherwise noted. If that’s too easy, add resistance or drop the exercise You’re finished with an exercise when you can no longer hold a position or do another strict rep or you begin to shake. Start with one time through the circuit to learn the exercises. Two circuits will be plenty as you progress because you’ll be adding resistance to the exercises. Poor form defeats the purpose of the workout because you’ll compensate for the weaker core muscles by using the stronger ones. Don’t hold your breath during the exercises. As you gain strength 1. Strict Sit-Ups Targets: Psoas (deep hip-flexor muscle). Source: