GMC Goes To Instagram To Build Premium Brand - MediaPost Communications

GMC is one of the first brands to take to Instagram's Carousel platform, a mobile-optimized slide show. To make an experience designed to transcend the static visual and negate peoples' tendency to disengage, the GM premium truck brand and Instagram created a Panogram -- which, as the name implies, delivers a wide view as the viewer swipes from... The creative puts GMC's Sierra Denali pickup truck and Yukon Denali SUV in visually stunning landscapes, such as at a mountaintop wind farm with roiling clouds and turbines (Sierra), and on a parking tarmac before a private luxury residence in... The photography for the wind farm shoot is from the perspective of the driver, first through the left window, where one sees a woman standing several feet away, an array of turbines rising behind her. The viewer, who swipes from photo to photo, therefore gets a sweeping view of the truck's interior. “We tried to be very careful balancing images of the vehicle with beautiful images of the landscape," says Janet Keller, GMC's advertising, social media, CRM and digital manager. “Of the 70 million or so users of Instagram, about 15 million are the [target] age,” Keller says. Source: