Jeep Wrangler Porkchop - Ripping Out Interior Amenities to Your Benefit - Four Wheeler Network

A lot of us take our Jeeps out into the woods, mountains, or desert to sort of unwind and get away from the melee of day-to-day drama that develops during the work week. Bringing all that artificial noise with you off-road doesn't make all that much sense, right. With that in mind, let us help you simplify your interior and make it a more quiet and serene environment where you can fully enjoy your short-term outdoor escape. Sometimes you really have to think outside the box to make your Jeep more comfortable and utilitarian. Make your grandparents proud and put down the cell phone for a while. Does anyone else have that annoying buddy that always wants to ride with you because his Jeep is broken or he doesn't currently have one. But, you can make sure your passenger seat is always taken by what looks like an important and delicate camera bag. If that doesn't work, install the most uncomfortable crappy electric passenger seat you can find. Only hook up the wires temporarily to tilt the seat forward so that anyone who sits in it will have to rest their forehead on the dash. No one will ever want to ride with you and invade your Zen interior. It's a proven scientific fact that 99. 999 percent of bumper-mounted spare tire carriers rattle. Source: