10 Best Road Trip Vehicles Hitting the Highways in the Summer of 2015 - MainStreet

NEW YORK ( MainStreet ) – Most of you are in far better position to take a road trip now than you were a year ago. Unemployment rates — even the effective unemployment rate that includes those who have left the workforce — have drifted back to pre-recession levels. “What is more quintessentially American than a road trip. Then again, it all depends on who's riding with you and how long the trip is. Going solo or with a friend can be a bit more freewheeling, but it's a different story with a family in tow. A decent playlist and frequent stops at off-the-beaten-path attractions just aren't going to cut it. “When it comes to road-tripping, it's all about the journey, not the destination,” says Edmunds. “A great family road-trip vehicle can't merely be the conveyance that gets you from point to point. And that becomes the issue with the American road trip: Its definition is as diverse as the folks traveling U. S. highways. While KBB's Nerad looks at weekend getaways and cross-continental excursions (including a weeklong foray from the east coast of Australia), Lachnit sees the other end of the spectrum where families are just trying to reach their destination with... Source: www.mainstreet.com