KCK police locate truck sought in teen's shooting death - KCTV5 - KCTV Kansas City

Police were looking for a white Ford F-150 with a possible bullethole in the tailgate. It was found unoccupied about 10:30 p. m. Tuesday, Kansas City, KS, police said. Her death comes after police received two calls of shots fired in the area about 2:30 a. m. Saturday. The first call happened at South 25th Street and Central Avenue. The other call took place at North 22nd Street and Elizabeth Avenue. Then, police said, about 10 minutes later, a vehicle drove to South 25th Street and Ridge Avenue. "There was a body here," said a neighbor who did not want to be identified. One neighbor said a couple of men broke in to a house on Ridge Avenue looking for Zubia-Hernandez, who they also call JJ, or Jasmine. Police said they are getting help from neighbors, in an effort to try and solve the city's latest homicide. "I know that they did talk to a couple of different witnesses that at least possibly saw the vehicle or heard it," police spokeswoman Amber Hickerson said. They put out fliers," Wathena Police Chief Jason Pendleton said. Source: www.kctv5.com