Sheriff's candidates discuss their pasts - Highlands Today

The Secret Service came to him, Garcia said. “I didn’t go to them, they came to me, the Secret Service, and they asked me if I wanted to escort the vice president. And I said ‘It has to be clearance,’ and they said ‘No, it’s already done. ’ They have already done my clearance before they came to me. ”. “A senator. ” Then he escorted Bush again, Garcia said. That’s why it’s called Secret Service. Neeleman’s report said Watson owned Dynamic Connections, a repossession business. He was contacted by Ford Motor Credit to pick up a white 1995 F-150, which was owned by Bean. It was supposed to be a voluntary repossession, but when Watson told the deputy that when he drove into Bean’s driveway at 500 Ruffian’s Way, Sebring, Bean shouted, “Cut your lights. The vehicle’s bright lights had blinded Bean, he told the deputy. I told him to turn off the lights and I told him to back up. At this time, he kept walking toward me…. I popped two rounds off in the ground and he – another one looked like he was on the other side of the truck. “I hope that the citizens of Highlands County do their research,” Blackman said. “Who is going to be the best person for that spot, the top law enforcement officer in this county. Source: