Takata Defiant Before Congress, But Says It's Ditching Volatile Ammonium ... - The Car Connection

Auto News reports that in a recent appearance before members of Congress, representatives from the Japanese parts supplier defended their actions in the wake of the ongoing recall fiasco, but also said that they were taking steps to change... The company's troubles began several years ago, as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and automakers began receiving reports of Takata airbags exploding upon deployment. Investigations are ongoing, but at this point it seems clear that the problem with Takata's airbags is moisture and the way that it affects the devices' propellant, ammonium nitrate. Moisture can cause that compound to degrade over time, rendering it highly unstable, and unstable ammonium nitrate can lead to disaster. During testimony before a subcommittee in the U. S. House of Representatives, Takata's Kevin Kennedy insisted that ammonium nitrate is not dangerous when it is properly manufactured. That point was illustrated by Kennedy's admission that Takata has for some time mixed much of its ammonium nitrate with a desiccant to absorb moisture and prevent the compound from destabilization. Source: www.thecarconnection.com