Boost Back To School Success with These Breakfast Tips - Wayne County Journal Banner

(Family Features) A daily breakfast leads to not only better overall nutrition, but better school performance as well. A simple breakfast at home or school can ensure that your child doesn’t start the day hungry. Eating a nutritious breakfast is a great way for children to be on target to meet their daily needs for key nutrients, like calcium – the bone-building mineral found in milk, cheese or yogurt. Children who don’t eat breakfast also are less likely to get all of the essential nutrients they need each day to thrive. Dairy delivers a unique package of nine essential nutrients in a variety of tasty and affordable options, and dairy protein helps supports healthy muscles while keeping young tummies feeling full until the next meal. With so many types of milk, cheese and yogurt to choose from, it’s easy for every family member to find their favorite way to start the day with a healthy dose of dairy. Build a yogurt parfait or whip up a yogurt smoothie, such as this Peach-Mango and Cereal Smoothie. Build a breakfast burrito bar so kids can create the breakfast they love. This school year, call on dairy and breakfast to set your kids up for success in the classroom. Through the Great American Milk Drive, you can donate milk to hungry families in your community at www. Source: