Local Bicyclists Rattled by Fatal Bethesda Collision - BethesdaMagazine.com

Avid local bicyclists knew Tim Holden as an experienced rider, someone who wouldn’t have been in the path of vehicles while scaling a hilly stretch of Massachusetts Avenue in Bethesda. To many, it makes the collision that took Holden’s life there Friday morning more unsettling. You’re not going very fast and it’s pretty visible,” said Rui Ponte, a bicyclist who knew Holden through a local riding group. Montgomery County police said the driver who hit Holden, 22-year-old Ricardo Freeman of Edgewater, was traveling in his Chevrolet Malibu in the same direction as Holden. Holden died on the scene shortly after paramedics were called at 6:15 a. m. Police said Friday afternoon they were continuing their investigation and that Freeman hadn’t been charged. Flowers and U. S. flags—Holden was a former Navy SEAL—were placed at the spot of the collision over the weekend. Roadside memorial for Tim Holden near the spot on Massachusetts Avenue where he was struck by a driver and killed while riding his bicycle Friday morning. Ponte said Holden was on his way to meet one of his daughters for coffee. He served in the Gulf War and retired from the Navy SEALs in 2001. He entered the corporate world, was working at an Alexandria tech company and was an active member of the Church of the Little Flower near his home in Bethesda. Source: www.bethesdamagazine.com