DEAL / Thankful the Lord looks after us - Blackshear Times

The whirring started just south of McDonough, about the time the tickle in the throat began. We were on the home stretch of an almost 2,000 mile journey from South Georgia to Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri and then re-tracing part of that route to make it home again. My 2011 Chevrolet Impala had, up until that point anyways, performed flawlessly. It sounded a little like my only talent with musical instruments — very similar to the whining sound of a kazoo. It was detectable then, but the closer we got to Waycross, home of our first and second stops, the noise was getting worse. Jeanelle had already diagnosed it. “Sounds like your power steering,” she said. Made the stops in Waycross and headed home. The tickle in the throat had become a dry, soreness that I attempted to stop with Hall’s triple action cough drops. By the time I turned onto Tyre Bridge Road, heading back to the meadows of Appling County, the whining whir was now a roar. Once I got it home, my dad and my brother determined that the already-diagnosed lack of power steering fluid was the problem. Source: