Federal Court Allows Speeding Stop For Loud, Fast Looking Ford Mustang - TheNewspaper.com

Federal Court Allows Speeding Stop For Loud, Fast Looking Ford Mustang. US magistrate judge upholds traffic stop of a Ford Mustang based solely on the visual estimate of its speed. When Ohio's Supreme Court ruled that speeding tickets could be issued by a police officer based on his visual guess of the defendant's speed ( view ruling ), the reaction was fast and furious. He says he heard the loud roar of Tuyakbayev's 2014 Ford Mustang engine and, from a hundred yards away, he guessed it was traveling 20 MPH over the 30 MPH speed limit. US Magistrate Judge Maria-Elena James decided instead to believe the Park Police officer when he said the Mustang looked and sounded like it was going really fast. "Officer Cole's belief that defendant was speeding was not premised on a mere hunch, but rather, on Officer Cole's observations that he heard defendant's loud engine accelerating towards him and observed defendant's car traveling at a very high... Source: www.thenewspaper.com