Forza Dev: Third Series Possible as Franchise Evolves -- IGN First - IGN

Established back in 2001 as Microsoft’s in-house racing game developer, it was Turn 10’s job to build a top-tier, first-party racing sim for the original Xbox. Xbox owners already had the much-adored but more arcade-oriented Project Gotham Racing series, but what was needed was something cut from the Gran Turismo cloth – a deep, nuanced, and realistic racing game packed with cars from around the world. The result was the original Forza Motorsport, released in May 2005. Turn 10 came out swinging too, packing features yet to appear in Gran Turismo series (like car damage and user-defined decal application) as well as some high-profile vehicle... “Creatively, we’re inspired by car culture,” he says. This meant embracing ideas like user-generated content which, in turn, has evolved into building a community. “But the franchise, it you track its trajectory you can see how we’ve added more and more community features over the years and that’s been kinda the wellspring of inspiration, and it’s because it ties directly to the vision of the game. The vision of the franchise, to turn gamers into car lovers and car lovers into gamers, is something Greenawalt is well-known for reiterating. And ultimately if we can look back in another 10 years and say that we’ve created people that are in love with cars, we’ve created auto enthusiasts in the. Source: