Are we at a new tipping point in the war on climate change? - Phys.Org

Ramanathan prefers the term "climate disruption" to climate change because it more accurately describes the severity of what we are observing. When Ramanathan moved to the United States from India, he was not dreaming of a high-profile career in climate science. He planned on a career in engineering that would afford him his dream: being the proud owner of a shiny new Chevy Impala. In 1975, his discovery of the powerful greenhouse effect of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the Earth's atmosphere changed the course of climate science and burst the bubble on his dream. When it comes to the current state of climate disruption, Ramanathan cuts to the chase. we have empirical evidence for all of the impacts of climate change. Much of Ramanathan's recent work revolves around what he calls the "two worlds approach" to managing climate change. Looking at the source of climate pollutants, there is a striking disparity: The wealthiest 1 billion people on Earth have seemingly unlimited access to fossil fuels, while the poorest 3 billion people have essentially no access to fossil fuels—yet... After decades of writing what Ramanathan calls various. Source: