Rob Chrisman: The shadows of socialism - The Union of Grass Valley

Normally, I would let pass Bill Trzeciak’s attempt to justify the current mania for socialist and progressive programs, but the election of 2016 looms and demands a response. Socialism is not the enemy of capitalism. There exists a kind of socialism that operates within a capitalistic framework that is unlike the dictionary definition. some people call it democratic socialism (also “market socialism”). The “wealth hoarders” created by capitalism will suck the money from the rest of us unless we regulate their ability to do so. We, the people, by means of a democratic majority, can determine what is reasonable and what is not with regard to the... His idea of this kinder, gentler socialism would actualize the ability of individuals to realize their true happiness. This kind of thinking has at its roots in a failure to understand capitalism, which is simply an economic system which reflects a larger attempt to foster and protect individual liberty. In this country, we have never had the fully free and unhampered market economy that true capitalism requires. The last half of the 19th century is a testament to the Progressive notion of government intervention and the imposition of regulations and controls, including legislation controlling railroads, anti-trust laws, pure food and drug acts, etc. Source: